11.18.10 [Tudou] “The Fugitive: Plan B” Ep.16

by jax625

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Credit:林口阿明88520 @ tudou

3 Comments to “11.18.10 [Tudou] “The Fugitive: Plan B” Ep.16”

  1. OMG!!
    i fall in love with epi jiwoo so sweet he bough LNY a cake but she took of out without rain sio rain have to sumit on the phine for her to watch he so sweet yet harlious when he dance the think think i am laughthing his such a cutie pie person ever i love this guy for the heck!!
    one think of confus why are trun herself to the police reporting about the GOLDS don”t she know he recuring with young do Hee backup ahahah making herslf coz, more trouble now jiwoo & Kai are have to involted to safe her now dran it was getting so good and BAM !! it ending grrrr anway, i feel sorry for sophie who sacifie for kai for the love on him but, he not one work have the feeling on hr and denied her feeling !!
    if this sad then i just guess she have to back to japan but look like it hard for her to forgive kai
    this get so good rain at ending he look LNY and he shew the man that kill Mijim ahahha love his cloth he look so sexy in that
    dran i have to wait another week to see !!

  2. WOW!!! can’t wait for subs, this is so intense Nakamura is so dirty can’t wait for him to come down. I’m hoping Jinny doesn’t get killed? Its just so much I’m loving every minute I am completely on the edge of my seat. (GREAT JOB!) One other thing really good music in the background.

  3. I cannot wait for epi 15 and 16 to be eng sub. @lotus6000 is so dirty. He is money hungry. I hope he does come down before he get killed. Kai is so cold hearted. Sophie need to move on fast. I could never risk my life for someone who does not want or love me. But I guess Kai is now is going through what she is going through. He only feels the love and Jinni dont. This drama is awsome, I love it so much.

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